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Case Studies & Conference Papers
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Case Studies & Conference Papers  

Dome shaped Up hole slot rings delivering results

“I am very impressed with the efforts from of the Orica team in trialling the dome shape to solve a problem we had with underbreak up hole slots ring blast, and it is now giving us good results to reduce exposure to hazards associated with rework on underbreaks and also increase productivity at our stope at Big Gossan. Well done”.

General Superintendent Operation – Big Gossan

Safe, Controlled and Efficient Blasting of Service Pit at GBC Mine

“This was a very successful blast in the middle of a fixed facility with power station just in front of the pit bay that were blasted. Orica and Redpath have worked together since the beginning, and I have to say that Orica has been a big part of this success”.

Syukriadi – GBC Ops Development Manager.

Improved Safety and Reduced Cost Through Implementation of i-konTM B3000 Remote Firing System

The implementation of i-kon Remote Firing System has improved the safety of our blast personnel during firing through its capability to fire the blast remotely at further distance. The blast preparation become quicker since running a 500m firing cable to firing position is no longer required. Elimination the use of harness wire as firing cable also means cost reduction which align with our mining cost efficiency program. In overall, the system has provided great benefits to our blasting process at Grasberg

Through Seam Blasting

Through Seam Blast project in PAMA Asmi is a valuable blasting project which helps optimize minor coal seams recovery. Continuation of the project will help bring added values to production, mining costs and eventually benefits Asmin Bara Bronang as site contract owner.” (Arif Ramadhani – PAMA Drill & Blast Section Head, 2021)

Drilling Productivity Improvement & Drill and Blast Cost Reduction Using Fortis™ Extra i H

The site had additional challenges with reactive ground. Previously, steaming holes had been identified and reactive ground testing of collected rock samples had confirmed the presence of reactive ground. Fortis Eclipse H was introduced to manage the reactive ground risks and had been used successfully on site for many years.


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