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Sistemas de Iniciação

Sistemas de Iniciação  

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Apresentamos a nossa nova linha de Sistemas de Iniciação, Cordtex™, Exel™ e Pentex™.

Principais benefícios:

  • Os mais altos padrões de segurança
  • Confiabilidade
  • Alta performance

Os sistemas de iniciação são produzidos e distribuídos regionalmente, com plantas de fabricação localizadas estrategicamente no Chile, Brasil, Colômbia, México, Venezuela e Cuba.

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Cordtex™ 3.6W   Nominal core load 3.6g/m PETN, with pink striped, waxed finish. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Exel Handidet   A silent flexible system made of two non-electric detonators, a P12 detonator (bottom) and a P1 detonator (surface). Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Download
Exel MS   F12 non-electric detonator, aimed to provide safely and accurately, enough power to the initiator of the explosive column. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Exel MS Connector   Connector made of 2 P8 non-electric surface detonators, which allows delaying trunk lines oof detonating cord, such as rows of blasting or boreholes of a same row. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Exel TD   F8 non-electric detonator of defined length and delay by the blasting design, which allows transmitting the signal to blasting with detonating cord as trunk lines. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Pentex™ CD - 150   Cylindric booster for use with explosives in boreholes with diameter between 2 and 3 inches in radial shots underground and civil works. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Pentex™ CD - 225   Cylindric booster for us in boreholes with a diameter between 2.5 and 3.5 Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Pentex™ CD - 450   Cylindric booster for use in boreholes with a diameter over 3.5 inches in OP and Quarries mainly. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download
Pentex™ CD - 900   Cylindric booster for use with explosives in Great diameter mining. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal, Underground Download