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Sistemas de Iniciación

Sistemas de Iniciación  

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Featuring the Cordtex™, Exel™ and Pentex™ ranges. Orica offers the widest range of Initiating Products to the market place.

Key Benefits

  • The highest standards of safety
  • Reliability of supply
  • Consistent product and service performance

Products are produced and distributed throughout the region with world class manufacturing facilities located within Australia, Philippines, China and India.

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Cordtex™ 3.6W   Carga nominal 3.6 gr/m de PETN, color rosado con dos líneas negras, con recubrimiento de cera Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Exel Conectadet   Detonador no eléctrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar
Exel Handidet   Es un sistema silencioso flexible compuesto por dos detonadores No Eléctricos. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Exel MS   El detonador no eléctrico de potencia F12, entrega en forma segura y precisa, la potencia suficiente al iniciador de la columna explosiva. Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Exel MS Connector   Detonador no eléctrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Exel TD   Detonador no eléctrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Pentex™ CD - 150   Booster cilíndrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Pentex™ CD - 225   Booster cilíndrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Pentex™ CD - 450   Booster cilíndrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar
Pentex™ CD - 900   Booster cilíndrico Open Cut Coal, Open Cut Metal Descargar Descargar