eDev™ II - Delivering Solutions
eDev™ II has been built specifically for application in both Underground Development and Civil Tunnel Blasting. Select from the markets below for more information on the improvements that matter most to you.
Civil Tunnel Blasting
Improved vibration control when blasting close to critical infrastructure.
Faster rate of lateral advance
Improved vibration control - Achieve greater advance per round which is particularly important when blasting close to critical infrastructure or surface neighbours.
Operational efficiency – With at-face-testability, the new Load by Numbers technique, single SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and improved speed of operation, the eDev™ II system offers a new level of operational efficiency to ensure faster drill & blast cycles.
Multiple heading blasting – Improved convenience to blast multiple headings due to increased maximum delay and increased precision of the eDev™ II detonator.
Operational productivity
Uniform fragmentation for easier and efficient muck removal – Accuracy of delays in timing delivers consistent and predictable fragmentation and reduced oversize to allow easy and efficient mucking, ultimately contributing to faster project completion.
Versatility for changing geology – Versatile timing allows changes in blast designs to meet changing geology.
Risk management – improved mine safety
Improved perimeters, over-break, side walls and hanging walls – eDev™ II is designed to fire holes in precise sequence with optimised delays to ensure the release of burden and rock movement with minimal back break. This can significantly improve perimeters, over-break, side walls and hanging walls to reduce the need for ground support and ensure a safer operation.
Underground Development
Faster rate of lateral advance
Improved vibration control – Mines can achieve greater advance per round, which is particularly important when blasting close to critical infrastructure or in poor ground conditions.
Operational efficiency – With at-face testability, the new Load by Numbers technique, single SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and improved speed of operation, eDev™ II offers a new level of operational efficiency.
Multiple heading blasting – Improved convenience to blast multiple headings due to increased maximum delay and increased precision of the eDev™ II detonator.
Operational productivity
Uniform fragmentation – Accuracy of delays in timing delivers consistent and predictable fragmentation and reduced oversize to allow easy and efficient mucking.
Ore/waste separation through control of heave – The timing accuracy of eDev™ II can assist mucking efficiency by separating ore and waste from different parts of the face in a single round.
Versatility for changing geology – Versatile timing allows changes in blast designs to meet changing geology.
Risk management – improved mine safety
Improved perimeters, over-break, side walls and hanging walls – eDev™ II is designed to fire holes in precise sequence with optimised delays to ensure the release of burden and rock movement with minimal back break. This can significantly improve perimeters, over-break, side walls and hanging walls to reduce the need for ground.
Changing Geology: Figure 1 represents a typical simulated outcome with Long Period detonators resulting in ore dilution. Figure 2 represents an eDev™ demonstration result showing ore/waste separation.
Perimeter Control: Figure 3 represents a typical outcome resulting overbreak with Long Period detonators. Figure 4 represents an eDev™ demonstration resulting in clearly half visible barrels.