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i-kon™ II SNS Detonator  

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All of our electronic detonators have multiple safety features that are inherent in the design of the product including spark gaps, input and bleed resistors, and the chip itself for attaching to surface connecting wire. This product also includes a specially designed plastic connector for the easy out of hole connection to detonating cord and shock tube. In areas where detonator use is restricted to out of hole timing i-kon™ II SNS brings accurate programmable timing to large open pit applications. In underground mines i-kon™ II SNS can be used to accurately time individual blast holes or used for specific blast initiation.
The i-kon™ II SNS detonator features:

  • An aluminum shell with a low strength base charge detonator for low shrapnel output.
  • Improved timing precision by a factor of two from 0.01% to 0.005%, reducing the chance of firing out of order and increasing the ability to exactly control when the detonators will detonate to initiate the outgoing detonating cord or shock tube.
  • An increase in maximum delay time from 15 to 30 seconds allowing very different types of blasting to be designed – both in underground blast initiation and more sophisticated surface mining.
  • Improved timing precision enabling much longer delays while retaining individual hole timing. 

Market: Underground
Product Type: i-kon™ III

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